Take Hwy 97 to Quesnel. Cross
the bridge over the Fraser River to West Quesnel. Turn right on
Bouchie Lake Road for 9.7 miles (15.64 km). Turn right on Milburn
Lake Road for 1 mile (1.61 km) to access road to lake.
& Campsites:
Public boat launch. Private residences.
BC Adventure Network members serving this area:
If you would like to have your business listed, please Click Here.
Report: Good producer of Rainbows in the 1 - 2 lb. range.
Eastern Brook Trout are in the 2 lb range. Both species are stocked
heavily so this lake can stand moderate to heavy angler pressure.
Fishermen do well on trolling, spinning & flies. This is a popular
ice fishing lake in winter months.
Sparsely forested with lodgepole
pine, douglas
fir, trembling aspen, cottonwood and white birch.
Brown peaty forest soil over gravel deposits in low hill country.
Bullrushes and yellow
waterlillies are found around the lake.