Hook a Chinook on the Chilliwack/Vedder River
article by Peter at Fred's
Custom Tackle
The Chilliwack/Vedder River will open to fishing on July 1st. The main focus of anglers attention will be on the red spring (chinook) salmon which range in size from 12 to 18 pounds on the average and may reach up to 25 pounds. This run is smaller in size and numbers than the run of white spring (chinook) salmon which will come into the river system in mid-September.
Float fishing is the most popular form of angling for these big beauties. Combinations of wool in fluorescent red, pink, green and white work well with or without roe as bait. Spinners in larger sizes (#3 and #4) will aggravate some stubborn fish into taking. Spoons such as "Koho," "Kitimat," "Ultra," and the ever popular "Krok" will often trigger a feeding or territorial response. Spin'N'glo's in sizes #8 through #14 in metallic finishes will get the curiosity of some salmon. Spring salmon prefer heavier flowing water than coho salmon and steelhead. Under heavy fishing pressure or low clear water they will often hold in deep trenches flowing very swiftly. The power and size of spring salmon enables them to hold almost effortlessly in the strongest of currents!
Before fishing be sure to pick up a current edition of the BC Freshwater Fishing Regulations Synopsis. Complete details of catch limits and special restrictions can be found in this handy publication. They are free and available at most sporting goods stores, tourist information booths and directly from:
BC Fish & Wildlife Regional Office
10334-152 A St.,
Surrey, BC,
V3R 7P8
Call (604) 582-5200 or
Toll Free to 1-800-665-7027
Good Luck and Good Fishing.