& Campsites:
There is a resort on the lake that features housekeeping units,
campsites, showers, laundry, restaurant, boat launch and rentals,
and horseback riding. There is also, located on the south side
of the lake, a 5 vehicle, open BCFS campsite with cartop boat
launching and a good beach for swimming.
Report: Uncha contains Lake Char to 20+ lbs., and Rainbows
to 2-1/2 lbs. Flies or small lures and spinning gear work well
for the bows, while trolling deep with spoons and plugs is the
method that will likely catch the large Lake Char. Uncha is considered
a consistent producer throughout the open water season.
Be sure to visit
for angling information!
There are lots of excellent lakes in the Uncha Lake area, many
of which are included as featured lakes in this program. Some
of these lakes are Francois, Takysie, Binta, Knapp and Anzus.
Always check your current BC Fishing regulations before you start
fishing a new lake.