British Columbia Outdoor Wilderness Guide
Canada Goose
Branta canadensis
Description - The Canada Goose is the most familiar
and common of geese in Canada. The size decreases northward
with the smallest living in the high Arctic coastal tundra.
A brownish body with a black head, long black neck and
white chin strap characterize the colouring of this goose.
A rich, musical honking is the call of the larger species
and a high pitched cackling is that of the smaller.
Distribution - This goose lives throughout the majority
of North America in lakes, bays, rivers and marshes. They
are often seen feeding in open grasslands and stubble
fields. They have become a semi-domesticated bird in city
parks and on reservoirs.
Biology - The Canada goose is well known for it's
V-shaped migrating flocks and characteristic honk. They
are chiefly grazers, feeding on stubble fields and marsh
vegetation. There are 11 geographical races; some with
populations well over a million, some barely over one