This species is known by a number of common
names: Rockcod, Rockfish and Snapper and
is distinguished by its heavy, stout build.
Rockcod have a large, broad head usually
bearing spines and strong ridges. General
colouring ranges from black to dull green
through brilliant orange and crimson.
Some have red or black vertical stripes.
Their usual length is from 35-50 cm.
- The Rockcod is a bottom species that
can be found in both the northern Pacific
and Atlantic Oceans.
- The Rockcod releases its larvae between
January and May. They feed on a variety
of foods including herring, sand lance,
crabs, shrimps and euphausiids. Several
of this species has been recorded as older
than 70 years.
TO MAN - The Rockcod is taken by both
commercial and sport fishermen. Most of
the Rockcod caught commercially is frozen
and exported to the U.S.A., Japan and